
The website uses cookies to improve the user experience.

A cookie is a small text file that is temporarily stored on the user's hard drive. Cookies are used on almost all websites, and websites may not function properly without cookies.

The cookie contains a randomly generated unique identifier that allows us to identify your computer and collect information about which pages and functions you use on your browser.

Cookies and statistics

We use Google Analytics to collect information about how the site is used. With the help of the information, we try to gain an understanding of what the users of the site want and how we can best provide the users with the information they need.

Blocking and deleting cookies

You can prevent the use of cookies on your computer by changing your browser settings. The location of the settings depends on the browser. However, you should take into account that many functions and services require the website to save the choices you make. If you block cookies, you may not be able to use all functions and services.

In all browsers, cookies can be deleted individually or all at once. The location of the delete function depends on the browser. From the links below, you can get instructions on the settings of your own browser. If you use several different browsers, be sure to delete cookies from all of them.

Deleting cookies / Microsoft Internet Explorer

Deleting cookies / Google Chrome

Deleting cookies / Mozilla Firefox

Deleting cookies / Opera